Teacher Brain resources can easily be used and adapted for the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum.
For English, we have many resources that link with different forms of print (eg: visual literacy), how language can be used, and how sounds can be manipulated.
For Maths, we have updated a few of our resources, eg: the 3D Shape Properties grid now contains a column for curved surfaces (changed from just faces). Our resources also allow for opportunities to partition different numbers instead of just Friends of 10, and allows for quality mathematical thinking.
Our resources also cater for Best Start. We have many games and activities for Concepts about Print, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, etc.
Teachers who follow the Language, Literacy and Learning (L3) program also use our resources as they need so many small, independent tasks for their groups.
We have incorporated the Super 6 Comprehension strategies into our resources. You can find downloads for visualising, predicting, questioning and making connections.

Updated Resources for the new Australian Curriculum