From ehow: “Sight words are words that are immediately recognised, and that do not require word analysis for identification. Sight words make up as much as 70 percent of most general text, so they are essential to reading fluency. These words must be learned by memorisation, so children often need interesting activities incorporated into the reading curriculum to help hold their attention and progress their learning.”
Sight words generally cannot be sounded out, hence they need to be instantly recognised.
Quite often, classroom teachers will send home booklets with sightwords in them for parents to work through with their children.
However this is not enough, and it needs to be worked on in school too. Activities need to be fun to keep students engaged. Practise is the key and once the first sight words are mastered, early books can be read as these are the words those books normally contain.
Dolch, Fry’s, Neals, Johnson’s and Primer all have different variations of the words children need to know first.
Our kindergarteners have been having trouble lately, so Sight word games and sight word activities have been added onto Teacher Brain for literacy stations. We had 15 sets of activities printed, laminated (and some cut) in under an hour!